Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Three years - 7.9.14

Dearest Nathan,

Today marks three years that we have been officially courting - may I just say? These three years have been the best of my life. They haven’t been perfect, but every up and every down has only brought us closer to each other, so they have been amazing!

Doesn’t God write the best love stories? I never could have dreamed one up that was better! He truly wove our lives and hearts together in a beautiful way and I am so excited to get to serve and glorify Him by your side. 

I love the way you love me and take care of me. You are always doing your best to understand me and what I need. You are always looking out for my happiness and well being even above your own. You are always seeking my best, even when I might fight against it. You point me toward our Savior and you aren’t afraid to tell me when I’m wrong.

I love your desire to provide for me and our future. I love the way you support my desire to be a stay-at-home wife and one day mother. And I know whatever we end up doing, that you will always be supportive of that goal. Thank you for working so hard at work, and at the moment school, so you can be the provider God has called you to be. Thank you for striving to provide for me spiritually and emotionally.

I love the way you love your family and mine. How you care for them and want to be with them. How important they are to you, shows me how important ours will be to you. And watching you with Benjamin and little Graham makes my heart so full! I know you will be the best Daddy when (Prayerfully) God blesses us with children.

I love your servant’s heart, your sense of humor, your silliness, and yes, your teasing ;) 
I love your voice and the way my heart leaps when it hears it. I love your smile and your laugh. I love your nerdiness about comics and coins and (though I don’t always act like it) guns. I love when you wear your hat backwards and look so cute. It reminds me of our camp days when I would swoon over you doing that ;) I still might ;) 
I love your beard and your glasses and your freshly cut hair. I love that I get to hold your hand and be your one and only. I love when you wear polos, jeans and converses. I love how you can make pretty much anything. I love how you support me and go along with my crazy ideas, even when it’s not really your thing. I love how you encourage me when I make things and tell me how impressed you are with my talent. I love when you tell me you’re proud of me. I love how you’re willing to lead us. 

I love how well you know and understand me. Sometimes even more than I understand myself. I love how you notice things about me that I wouldn’t even think of. I love how you know how I feel about things and that even when my feelings are silly, you try to understand. I love how you understand my heart and how I think about life. I love how you love God and serve Him through ministry and life. I love how you teach the word and enjoy teaching children.

I am so thankful that you are mine and that I am yours. And I can’t wait for when we say  “I do” in 73 (Woohoo!!) days. 

Happy 3 years, my darling - Here’s to 100 more!
Forever yours, Jessica

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