Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Catching up

               2015 came and went without much activity on this little space, which I'm okay with. My life has kind of been a whirlwind and I don't think it will let up anytime soon!

So, here are some of the things that have happened. 

~ We officially started building our house! After quite a few delays because of the slow building department and the weather we are all set to get our foundation poured (as long as the weather stays nice long enough!). It might seem like we haven't gotten very far, I mean isn't the foundation the first step? Well, I have learned that a lot happens before you can pour and when the weather isn't cooperating, it takes a very long time to reach this point. Here is what has gotten done -

  1. The lot was cleared and a lot of dirt brought in to raise our house up to the required level for drainage and stuff like that.
  2. The area was formed so the concrete stays in the right place! 
  3. Footers (a 20 inch deep, 12 inch wide trench around the outside of the house for where the walls will sit) were dug and re-dug and then re-dug after rain messed them up. 
  4. All the underground plumbing for septic and hot and cold water was put in. I can now put plumber on my resume ;)
  5. The shower was formed, plastic put down, and rebar was put in the footers.
We passed our inspection Monday, woohoo! So hopefully the slab will be poured this week.

~ I am 18 weeks and 5 days pregnant with the greatest blessing of our lives! I have had two appointments with our midwives and so far everything is going great. I've heard the little ones heartbeat both times and have officially passed morning sickness. The next huge step is our ultrasound! Which is scheduled for February 10th, just one week from tomorrow. Nathan and I can't wait to see Baby Frook and also as long as the baby cooperates find out if it is a little Eleanor or Abram, so excited! My gut feeling is girl, but I think 90% of that feeling comes from the fact that both Nathan and I really want one. Either way it will be amazing and exactly what we want!

I have started to feel the baby move which is amazing. I felt like I started feeling it around 16 weeks but it would be so random and only one little thing each time that I wasn't really ready to confidently say that I had. This past week it has definitely become more noticeable and usually I'll feel a couple little jabs in a row. It will be kind of nice once it is less random, but I am enjoying what I can feel for the moment. 

One thing I will say is that I really haven't had the pregnancy "glow" and most ladies I've said that to have agreed that they never did. My body just doesn't ever feel normal and I've had a lot of stretching out pain/discomfort, which doesn't really help my peace of mind. I feel like I am getting more used to the feeling and dumping all my worries on my midwife last appointment helped to reassure me that all these feelings are normal and has helped me worry less. So thankfully, the past week or so it has been easier. 

~ We have a new little niece in the family! Little Aubrey made her appearance January 27th and she is just the sweetest thing ever. We love having another little girl in the family!

~ At the end of this month Nathan and I are actually leaving our little apartment and moving in with his parents until our house is done. It might seem a little funny, but it really makes sense for us right now and we are both excited for the change.

It also means that I will be quitting my receptionist job in a week or so and I am definitely ready to close this chapter of my life. My mom did a little too good of a job raising me to be content at home =P (a great thing for wife and mommy-hood if you plan to be at home, which has always been our long term plan) and I am ready to be a stay at home wife and soon, mommy! 

So we are in the midst of packing everything up, kind of a big job! Although I think we've got a pretty good start on it. The hard part is finding time to move our furniture and other things we won't be needing to our storage unit when every weekend is already jammed pack with working on our house. It will all work out though =)

Well, I feel like those are all the big things at the moment. Maybe I will work on writing more often, I do still enjoy it! And it will be great for documenting my pregnancy and our new little baby. 

Until next time,

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