Saturday, July 20, 2013

Crochet Hook Roll Tutorial

I have never claimed to be an expert sewer. I'm not the best at following patterns and my lines aren't always straight. BUT... I love to sew. Something about all the cutting and ironing, seaming, etc. makes me happy. So, occasionally some of my sewing adventures may end up here. ;)

For the longest time I have been using a lovely pouch to hold my crochet hooks. Once though, my sister made a colored pencil roll and I loved the concept; perfect for crochet hooks! And that is how this tutorial was born. Enjoy! 

You will need:
Sewing machine
Sewing pins
Measuring Tape
1/2 yard of 44" wide fabric (I used quilters cotton from my local Joann Fabrics)
Matching All-Purpose thread
Small roll of 1/2" ribbon

Wash and iron your fabric.

2 pieces, 16 1/2" x 10" (These will be for the outer and inner pieces)
1 piece, 16 1/2" x 6 1/2" (This will be for the pocket that holds the hooks)

I chose to leave the biased edge on, but feel free to cut it off. =)

Next, you will want to hem the pocket piece on the long edge. Fold over 1/4" and press. Then fold over again about an inch and press. Pin in place. 

After threading the sewing machine and bobbin with your thread, change the dial to a zigzag stitch. Sew along the pinned hem (Unless specified, use an 1/8" seam allowance).

After hemming, line up pocket piece with inner piece (Both right sides should be facing you; so the wrong side of the pocket will be on the right side of the inner piece). Pin in place. Put your sewing machine back to a normal straight stitch and sew along the outer three edges. This creates a pocket. 
Sadly, my picture of this was lost, so I made a fancy diagram ;)
Now to create the little pockets that will hold each individual crochet hook. Beginning at the far left edge, measure out 3/4" increments and mark each one with a pin.

Do this all the way across. Then just take it to the sewing machine and sew from the top of the pocket to the bottom, using your pins to know when each should go. Try your best to sew a straight line; I pretty much eyeballed it and it was fine. =) (Optional - leave about 3 - 3 1/2" pocket at the end to put stitch markers, yarn needles, pens, or other needed items. Scissors, unless tiny, may cause the roll not to "roll" correctly, so keep that in mind.)
Pardon my purse in the background... ;)

It should turn out like this! 
     Left: With matching thread   Right: I drew over the stitches so that you could see them

Next, pin this piece to the outer piece, right sides together. It may not match exactly, but as long as you sew straight, you can trim it. =) Pin in place. 

Sew around all 4 edges, leaving a small opening in the side for turning.

Trim the edges...

Turn right side out (you can use a crochet hook to push out the corners). 
Press all around - Fold edges of opening in and press - Cut ribbon into about two 10" strips - Slide into opening at the bottom - If ribbon is one sided, put one facing down and one facing up - pin in place.

You can either use a straight stitch or zigzag to close, make sure to catch the ribbons.

Last step, the flap: Fold over top so that it bends right above where the ribbons are attached. Press and pin.

Straight stitch along the very edge.

And voila! Time to put in your crochet hooks, odds and ends, and roll away! Roll starting on the end without the ribbons and roll toward them so you can tie it off.

I would love to know if you tried this out!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Nice instructions! Make it look so easy that even your boyfriend could do it! =P


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