Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcoming the New Year!

Hello everyone! It seems like ages since I have sat down to blog and it feels so good! The break was so needed, but I am happy to get back into the swing of things. The Holidays were good to me and with them came some amazing changes. Just thought I'd share the last few weeks with you through pictures.

My Christmas season started off with some lovely gifts from two of my friends. (One which is pictured)

The second weekend in December, I got to go visit my (then ;) ) boyfriend, Nathan and his family. Even though I was fighting a cold, it was so much fun! Nathan got me the loveliest Christmas presents! This picture was taken at Fishermen's Village in downtown Punta Gorda where they have lots of fun decorations and cute little shops. It's by the water and it was lots of fun!

And then, the biggest, most wonderful news of all! The love of my life got down on one knee and proposed to me on 12/14/13! (Story will be coming soon!) It was perfect and a little surreal! I am so thankful for the way God has knit our lives and hearts together and I am so excited to begin the next part of our journey together.

My beautiful, absolutely perfect ring =D It is everything I imagined and more than I could ever want!

The Sunday after our Saturday engagement we went to a family birthday party and stopped at Nathans grandparents house so they could get a load of firewood. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a picture of three generations of Frook men. So thankful one is mine!

The next weekend he took me to see the Hobbit with some of my family! It was pretty good, although Nathan says we're harsh movie critics. It's true ;)

I finished my customized cross stitch designed by weelittlestitches on Etsy. It is absolutely perfect!

My sister Jennifer (far right) joined the Army in October, but she was able to come home on leave for the Holidays. We got some sister shopping in! She leaves today.

Gingerbread cookie making on Christmas Eve!

Christmas was amazing, as usual! I got some wonderful gifts, including that cute penguin mug =D and it was a good time of reflecting on my Savior.

Christmas is also my older sister's birthday! An old 23 year old =P

This past Sunday we celebrated my Pastor and his family for their 30 years of ministry leading our church. I love my pastor so much and they all have had such an impact on my life! Thankful for them.
Hopefully that caught all of you up on what my life has been like. =) I am so excited about all this year has for me! Lots of wedding planning too =D I'l be back to share with you my goals for 2014. I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. love seeing these sweet memories from your Christmas season. :)
    i so wish we lived closer!!!! love you, friend. <3


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