Friday, April 25, 2014


Do you stalk the Target dollar section like I do? Sometimes I'm not in the least bit tempted by what is there - other times? I spend $15 because, "It's only a dollar" adds up ;) Since they've put in all their spring items, I've been eyeing the cute little growing kits they have; Strawberries, tomatoes, herbs, poppies, and Sunflowers. But, I've talked myself out of them because I would need to get potting soil and planters for when they get bigger. 

But, for Katheryn's birthday I knew that would be a perfect gift! She loves watching things grow just like I do (although my thumb isn't very green, =/ I love the process and feel so accomplished when they grow. I might see them as my children and used to feel like a murderer when I had to pull out sprouts so others would have room, hehe...), and it was something we could do together and wasn't very expensive. I love sunflowers and grew one successfully before, so I chose that and also picked up one of their cute watering cans (I've almost bought myself an orange one and I still want it eventually!) to complete the set.

The day of her birthday, (Saturday, April 19th) we got down to work. The kits make it pretty easy and I love that it includes everything you need to start the process =) Let me just tell you, if you live in FL, grow sunflowers! I have found that they grow fast, are pretty hardy (unless left out in a tropical storm - that is speaking from experience, sadly...), and love sun! Very important in FL! By Tuesday, April 22nd, we had a few sprouts poking through and more started popping up through out the day. So far our plants are doing great and have been fun to watch. =)

Wednesday, April 23rd in the morning

Wednesday, April 23rd in the evening

Thursday, April 24th in the morning

Thursday, April 24th in the evening

Today! Friday, April 25th in the morning

Hopefully soon, we'll be transplanting these little guys to their own pots so they can have room to grow. Needless to say, I love them! =) 

When I get married I'm looking forward to having a small porch garden! We'll see how that goes. =)

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Preparing to say "I Do"... 150 days left.

Monday morning when I woke up I did my normal routine of trying to actually wake up before getting out of bed - texted Nathan to talk to him before he left for work, browsed IG for a few minutes, checked my email, and my blog lovin'. I just started following sweet Rachel at "Oh, Simple Thoughts" and her newest blog post was at the top of my feed. It was such a refreshing honest read that shared her heart as a wife and some convicting verses about the responsibly and power wives have. It kind of made me sit back and realize that I have been neglecting the most important thing - preparing to be the life-long help-mate of Nathan. It's so much easier to spend all your time focusing on the wedding day during this engaged period of time, but that will last a day, a few hours, marriage will last a lifetime. 

So, as it is 150 days away {Say, what??} from when Nathan and I say "I do" I decided it would be good for me to study what God says about wives and this blog is a great way for me to process it! Hopefully throughout the remainder of these days I'll pop in with a few more of these posts. =) And hopefully Rachel doesn't mind but I'm borrowing the verses from her post!
The following verse I want to be the theme for my studies and then hopefully I'll stem off of it into other things. =)

Proverbs 12:4
"An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones"

{} Excellent ~
 1. archaic: Superior, 2 : very good of its kind : eminently good : first class

{} Excellent ~

1. possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good 2. archaic. extraordinary; superior.

{} Rottenness ~
1. having rotted or decayed and no longer able to be used, eaten, etc.
2. very bad or unpleasant 
3. not well or healthy

{} Rottenness ~
1. decomposing or decaying; putrid; tainted, foul, or bad-smelling.
2. corrupt or morally offensive.
3. wretchedly bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory; miserable: a rotten piece of work; a rotten day at the office.
4. contemptible; despicable: a rotten little liar; a rotten trick.
5. (of soil, rocks, etc.) soft, yielding, or friable as the result of decomposition.

What a contrast - Isn't it crazy how much power and responsibility wives have? We can either be crowns to our husbands or an incurable disease and a shame, whoa. Just let that sink in for a bit. Every time I read this verse, I'm convicted about how important it is for me to be that excellent wife for Nathan, and boy, I'm not even his wife yet and I fail at treating him the way God calls me to.

Here are a few thoughts from one of my favorite {dead} commentators, Matthew Henry: 

He that is blessed with a good wife is as happy as if he were upon the throne, for she is no less than a crown to him. A virtuous (excellent) woman, that is pious and prudent, ingenious and industrious, that is active for the good of her family and looks well to the ways of her household, that makes conscience of her duty in every relation, a woman of spirit, that can bear crosses without disturbance, such a one owns her husband for her head, and therefore she is a crown to him, not only a credit and honor to him, as a crown is an ornament, but supports and keeps up his authority in his family, as a crown is an ensign of power. She is submissive and faithful to him and by her example teaches his children and servants to be so too. He that is plagued with a bad wife is as miserable as if he were upon the dunghill; for she is no better than rottenness in his bones, an incurable disease, besides that she makes him ashamed. She that is silly and slothful, wasteful and wanton, passionate and ill-tongued, ruins both the credit and comfort of her husband. If he go abroad, his head is hung down, for his wife’s faults turn to his reproach. If he retire into himself, his heart is sunk; he is continually uneasy; it is an affliction that preys much upon the spirits.

I really love how he compares the crown to a wife who upholds her husbands authority just as a crown is a sign of authority and also is a credit and honor to him as a crown is a credit and honor to a king. Now that doesn't mean you don't ever discuss things with your husband or that your relationship is like a king and a servant - of course not, I hope you never think that's what I'm trying to say; but as wives (future wives) we are called to respect our husbands and submit to his authority as the church submits to Christ - it is a picture of the Gospel! In turn they are called to love their wives and sacrifice for them as Christ does/did for the church - that is a picture of the Gospel! This post at "Oh Simple Thoughts" is a wonderful explanation of what that is. Also, check out the post that inspired me to start mine!

What does it look like to be an excellent wife? Next post I want to look at some verses that describe the type of wife I need to be preparing to be!

{I'm hoping that this will be a short series of sort as we countdown to my wedding, but most likely it will be sporadic. =) }

{P.S. I am not married yet, still 150 days to go, so I realize I am not the expert on marriage or what it means to be a wife - but I do have God's word and I can see what He has to say on the subject. That is my heart for these posts, to simply share what God is teaching me about the type of wife he wants me to be when I marry. If you are married or preparing to say "I Do" yourself, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!}

Until next time...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Birthday fun

It's the month of April and that means birthday fun for me and my little sister Katheryn! My birthday is right at the beginning of April and then Katheryn's birthday is two weeks later. I always think it's so fun to be exactly 11 years AND two weeks older than her =) Both were so much fun, and I wanted to share them with you!

For both Birthdays, We had a family get together the night before with Hayden and Jaquelyn, along with cutie pie Graham. Sadly, Hayden wasn't able to come to mine, but it was still fun. =)

 First up - My family celebration! And it wouldn't be complete without Graham Snuggles.

Present from my younger sister Jennifer who is away in the army.

And this was what was inside - the prettiest, coolest cutting board ever! It will be lovely in our home!

My family got me metal stamping stuff! I've had fun trying it out!

Next up was a weekend with my FiancĂ© and his family!

Goodwill fun with this handsome guy

One of my Goodwill finds!

Dressed in our Sunday Best! This outfit is me in a nutshell ;)

Volley ball!
And this, this is the coolest present ever in the whole wide world!!  It is a lock box made from an old post office box door, say what?? My sister and I saw a guy who made really neat ones at a craft fair and she bought one for her husband - ever since then I've wanted one! And Nathan (The best FiancĂ© ever!) made me one! He did a fabulous job and it's even better because he actually made it =D Plus he and my brother-in-law gave me some cool coins and bills to keep in it - turning me into a coin nerd... ;)
After the weekend I spent the day with my nephew and his mama =D Now I can't remember if this picture was from then or not... Those so many that look like it ;) Oh well!
Since Katheryn turned 10 this year, she got a panda themed birthday with her friends

And her family part -

So cute!!!

One outfit gift from Hayden and Jaquelyn.

Sister picture, minus one
And finally one from her actual birthday =)

It was a fun birthday season! Weird that another year has already past and next time I have a birthday it will be as Mrs. Frook =D

Until next time...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Precious Blood - The Valley of Vision

As Easter is tomorrow, I've spent today remembering what Christ went through for my salvation and how much hope I have in Him. One note, I ask you to remember, this man-made holiday is not, cannot be, the only time we must remember Jesus' sacrifice and His resurrection which brought us life (Something I am often guilty of) - Sunday is always here because of Jesus. 

The Precious Blood - The Valley of Vision: Puritan Prayers and Devotions

Blessed Lord Jesus,
Before Thy cross I kneel and see the heinousness of my sin,
my iniquity that caused Thee to be 'made a cure',
the evil that excites the severity of divine wrath.
Show me the enormity of my guilt by 
the crown of thorns,
the pierced hands of feet,
the bruised body,
the dying cries.
Thy blood is the blood of incarnate God,
its worth infinite, its value beyond all thought.
Infinite must be the evil and guilt that demands such a price.
Sin is my malady, my monster, my foe, my viper,
born in my birth, alive in my life, strong in my character, dominating my faculties, 
following me as a shadow, intermingling with my every thought,
my chain that holds me captive in the empire of my soul.
Sinner that I am, why should the sun give me light,
the air supply breath,
the earth bear my tread, 
its fruits nourish me,
its creatures subserve my ends?
Yet Thy compassion yearn over me, Thy heart hastens to my rescue,
Thy love endured my curse, Thy mercy bore my deserved stripes.
Let me walk humbly in the lowest depths of humiliation,
bathed in Thy blood, tender of conscience,
triumphing gloriously as an heir of salvation. 

Until next time...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our love story - Part II

{You can read part I here} Let's see, where did I leave off... Ah, yes, the wheelchair. Not something you would automatically think of when you think "Love Story" - but that's really where ours started. Nathan and I tease each other that our story started with a wheelchair and it will end with one =P (Maybe that's a little morbid...) 

2007 - I turned 14 and that meant I was able to move up to the next level of Summer Missionaries, a SR! It was a momentous occasion and I was very excited for training. (If I forgot to mention in the last post, training was/is always in June.) I did all of the things to prepare and finally it came. As a SR I was staying for two weeks - the first one is all training, the second is still training but more of a doing one instead of sitting in classes. You would split into groups and do practice clubs for a leader, then head into the community to do it for real. It was also less busy, more free time, and some fun classes and activities. (Everything about training is fun for me though!) 

My older sister Jaquelyn was going again as well, which was always a huge comfort to me =) The first week and the second week were both packed with memories although a lot of the time I remember them as completely separate. So let's conquer week 1 first. ;)

I had a young lady named Danielle as my evaluator for bible lessons and we did a series about the different "I AM's" of Jesus called "Knowing Christ. I was so very nervous about it, but I excelled and ended up enjoying it. I especially remember one instance concerning evals - 

The lesson was "The good Shepherd" (The one where Jesus tells the parable of the 99 sheep and 1 missing) and it was up for evaluation, in fact it was my first ever bible lesson eval. We set out on the gazebo that is outside the main building of Clearwater Christian College. The eval went very well and afterward when everyone was headed into the main building for a class, Nathan passed by. I was in the same group with his (then) "girlfriend" from his chapter. She went to walk with him and I did too. By then he had already caught my attention (He was one of the cool kids actually, was already friends with my cousins and, though he was oblivious, very popular with the girls. I am so thankful he was oblivious ;) ) He seemed super cool, funny, nice and very cute ;) I remember how we both told him how we had done (Not trying to be prideful but I don't think the girl did very well...) and I remember how happy I was when he told me he was happy for me and glad I did well.

My first Bible Lesson book from 2007

Don't you love these illustrations??? ;)

Old School CYIA history right here, people.

Now, as you can probably all guess, the fact that Nathan had a "girlfriend" and one that I didn't especially like brought out the green monster of jealousy in me like nobody's business. I would hang out with Nathan because I liked him, and of course his "girlfriend" would hang out with him and a girl that was their friend, and my best friend hung out with me, so it was kind of a five-some with Nathan in the middle of us four girls. Now at training there are guidelines for guys and girls to make sure everything is above board. after a few days, Kayla and I began to notice that this girl didn't always follow those guidelines. (Nothing huge though, I promise). Well, being the friends that we are we decided between us that we should talk to Nathan's mom. My motives were completely pure, I promise =P If you consider blinding jealousy pure, that is... =P So, Nathan's mom was told, they both got in some trouble and I believe soon after that Nathan and her broke up. That was the first week in a nutshell, and for sake of this not being a novel, I think the wheelchair will have to wait for part 3. =) And again, I did not have many pictures to share with you... I wasn't thinking about blogging when this happened ;)

{Fine Print - I have done my very best to remember events how they happened and when they happened but I cannot say I am 100% on the when. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't want to be penalized if the time table is somehow a little different then how I recorded it here. All I know is that the main events definitely happened and I really am faithfully recording how I felt when they happened. You've been warned ;) )

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Word on the go {Grace to You App}

This isn't a sponsored post, I promise ;) But a few weeks ago my Dad recommended the Grace to You app that featured free messages by Dr. John MacArthur.

I downloaded it and ended up starting with his message series on Hebrews. Hebrews has always been one of my favorites to go through, but I had never listened to anything on it. It has been SO good! I've listened to seven messages so far and have just finished chapter two. Needless to say this will take a while, but we are digging deep and it is awesome. 

My bible after only four messages!

I hope you take the time to get it for yourself! You can listen to it anywhere, while doing anything and I know it will bless you. Get it here! Start with Hebrews or one of your favorite books. He also has lots of topical ones to choose from and my Dad really enjoyed "Making a case for the Bible".

Until next time...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wedding Update!

Wedding planning has been in full swing for quite some time now - if you follow me on Instagram (@FutureMrsFrook - Sorry, I was going to link back but I can't remember my password and I'm too lazy to go through the process of changing it ;) ) you may have seen some sneak peeks of some of the things going on. I'd thought it would be fun to share them here as well!

Pinwheels AND my wedding colors!

Pinwheels are a big part of my decor and I just love them! They're very inexpensive, easy to make, and whimsical, which is perfect for me. That glass jar? A syrup container from the grocery store with the labels removed! And since mom buys them anyway they don't count in my budget, perfect ;)

Aren't these butterflies beautiful? They are for some fun secret projects! From this website at a great price.

I saw this cute tutorial on Pinterest and couldn't resist making one or two for our food table
Adorable, right?? And I might use them for photo props too! Ooh, that idea just came to me and I like it...

These little topiaries will be part of my centerpieces. They take a while to make but super cute.

Nathan and I love penguins and it has kind of been our thing during out courtship. I knew I wanted them for our cake toppers! I found the cutest ones but they were almost $150... :( Way out of my budget! I've done some clay work before so I decided to try my hand at it! This is the girl not quite finished. Both are done now and they are so cute! I never thought I'd be able to make them as cute as the ones I saw online, but I think I succeeded and they might be my favorite wedding item ever! And we'll be able to keep them for years and years!
Last night I stayed up way too late looking on Pinterest for "First Look" ideas. My older sister and her husband did it and I love the fact that it allows you to finish all the pictures before the wedding. (Isn't waiting for the couple at the reception the worst part of a wedding??) I am definitely excited for this special moment and I know our photographer will capture some sweet pictures for us to treasure.
Okay, this doesn't have much to do with our wedding, but when I saw this I couldn't help but think of Nathan. He truly is the perfect man for me and I'm so thankful for the sweet, thoughtful, selfless man God has given me.

Wedding planning is not for the faint of heart, people. It has caused a lot more stress than I ever wanted it to... But a lot of the big things have been done and I'm trying desperately to focus on the joys and the wonderful end result of being Nathan's wife.

Until then...

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Quarry me deep, Dear Lord...

Wow, now that I'm blogging again, I'm here every day! I feel so productive ;) I really wanted to stop and share with you what God showed me this morning in my quiet time; because people, He is awesome and amazes me! And I want you to see too!

I started the new #SheReadsTruth plan yesterday. It is about meditation and confession. Yesterday was meditation and we meditated on Psalm 19, talk about amazing! Today was confession - We read John 1:8-9 and a prayer from the Puritans. My dad actually loves the puritans so I am pretty familiar with them. They definitely have a way with words and this prayer wrecked me in such a good way! I also read Psalms 44 as a part of my study and the Lord continued to show me so many things.

Lord Jesus,
Give me a deeper repentance,
        a horror of sin,
        a dread of its approach;
help me chastely to flee it,
    and jealously to resolve that my heart shall be thine alone.
Give me a deeper trust,
    that I may lose myself to find myself in thee,
        the ground of my rest,
        the spring of my being.
Give me a deeper knowledge of thyself,
    as saviour, master, lord and king.
Give me deeper power in private prayer,
        more sweetness in thy Word,
        more steadfast grip on its truth.
Give me deeper holiness in speech, thought, action,
    and let me not seek moral virtue apart from thee.
Plough deep in me, great Lord, heavenly husbandman,
    that my being may be a tilled field,
    the roots of grace spreading far and wide,
        until thou alone art seen in me,
        thy beauty golden like summer harvest,
        they fruitfulness as autumn plenty.
I have no master but thee,
    no law but thy will,
    no delight by thyself,
    no wealth but that thou givest,
    no good but that thou blessest,
    no peace but that thou bestowest.
I am nothing but that thou makest me,
I have nothing but that I receive from thee,
I can do nothing but that grace adorns me.
Quarry me deep, dear Lord,
    and then fill me to overflowing with living water.
(from The Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan prayers and devotions, ©2001, The Banner of Truth Trust, p.75.)

By the end I was almost in tears. I read through it three times and then again, this time praying each though in my own words. God, quarry me deep! Break me for your purpose! Fill me with Your living water, the only thing that can satisfy! Amen!

Psalm 44:3,6-8
"for not by their own sword did they win the land, nor did their own arm save them, but your right hand and your arm and the light of your face,
For not in my bow do I trust, nor can my sword save me.
But you have saved us from our foe and have put to shame those who hate us.

In God we have boasted continually,
and we will give thanks to your name foreverSelah"

My devotion companion - yummy breakfast!
What are your thoughts on this beautiful prayer? I'd love to hear from you all!
Until next time...