Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dear Valentine...

My dearest, most beloved Nathan, 

I never, ever want to forget our first valentines as husband and wife. It was perfect in every way, and I could never have dreamed up a better one. 

I have to admit that when we ended up being at Silver Springs camping with your family on the actual day, I was a little bummed. It didn't feel like Valentines day, and I wanted it to be special. I knew you had promised we would celebrate Monday, but silly me couldn't quite come to terms with that. 

But then, Monday came. I worked, wasn't the funnest - except the whole day all I could think of was our date, and how excited I was for you to come home!

As soon as I got home, I started cleaning. I wanted you to come home to a nice, clean, restful house. Then it was time to get all dolled up for my fancy date with my handsome husband - I love being fancy with you -heart eyes- Waiting was hard... The table was set for our candle light dinner, the living room was straightened, the stuff strewn over the floor from camping was cleaned up, and I was all ready for you! 

Then, you walked through the door, and I felt millions of butterflies in my stomach, and my heart skipped a few beats. In your hands was our yummy dinner (Salad with chicken! Thanks for being willing to change our dinner plans and get exactly what I was craving! It was perfect...), beautiful roses and a lovely plant - one for now, and one to grow - you said. All I wanted to do at the moment was be in your arms, feel your lips on mine, and cry with happiness! And that's exactly what I did! You told me I was beautiful, and I knew you meant it, and I felt it, just being with you.

Nathan, I could never ask for a greater, sweeter, more amazing husband. You have lived up to my dreams and exceeded my expectations! Each morning that I get to wake up with you and each night that you come home to me, I thank God for bringing my soul-mate into my life and making us one. Everyday I fall more in love with you, and you show me more and more of what true love is. I am thankful for God's grace, and the way He has molded our lives and is continuing to shape us as we continue in this adventure of marriage. 

You are mine, I am yours, together we are His - and no matter what I will love you, forever and always, my dear Valentine. 

Song of Solomon 6:3
"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"

Your's forever,  


So, I don't really know what happened to this blog. I had such plans for it and enjoyed writing here so very much. I told myself when I was kind of lagging before marriage that I just needed a break. That once I was married and settled in I would love writing again - you can probably tell, that hasn't happened. It's not that I don't want to write. Everyday I think, I really feel like blogging, and everyday I can't think of a thing to say.  

But, maybe it is because I have forgotten why I started blogging in the first place. So, let me begin once more - with my mission statement! 

The mission of this blog is to be a memorial of what the Lord has done and is doing in mine and my husbands lives through the remembering of events and feelings to do with: marriage, family, joy, hardships and everything in-between. Firstly, so that we may be encouraged by and remember what has happened, and that our children can see what our lives have held. 

Secondly, that through this memorial others will be pointed to the Anchor of our souls, who holds us tightly through all the ups and downs of life - namely Jesus and His good news. And that those who know Jesus will be encouraged and uplifted to continue to glorify Him through their lives - in their own marriages, families, joys, and hardships. {Joshua 4:5-7, Isaiah 63:7, Hebrews 6:13-20}

The most important reason why I blog, is for myself. I want to remember what I went through; the happiness, the struggles, the adventures! And I think I lost that. I was too caught up in the fact that I didn't have much to share that others would like and that no one really visited this little place. But, this is for me, period. And if it can encourage others then great, wonderful - but I can't be so focused on that part of it. So, I'm going to share posts about things that I want to remember, because this blog isn't to make money or promote myself, or get page views, its a memorial so that I can remember.

Until next time...