Friday, July 26, 2013

Coffee with you

I actually found Alissa and her neat Coffee Date Friday link up through my sister who blogs over at The Sweetest Petunia 
It's a super cool way to join other bloggers and meet new people. Excited to be participating for the first time =)

So, if you and I were having coffee today, I would most likely tell you that I am ready for the weekend. It's been a long, emotional week and I'm ready for a break. I would tell you that I am super excited because I am donating two of my Zoottles to a wonderful lady for an auction to help bring her son home from Africa. It's happening on Instagram, Tuesday night. I would love for you to check it out! just follow @simplybeautiful100 

From Anna @simplybeautiful100 on IG
I would probably talk to you about my future Etsy shop and all of my plans and dreams. I'm super excited because I was able to get my boxes for shipping; for freeeeeeee! ;) Thanks to my Brother-in-law's know how and the post office. I think they are the perfect size and even big enough to send two if needed. I would tell you I am nervous about all the goals I have set for myself and that I'm not sure if I'll be ready to open at the end of August... I might ask you if you have any experience in photography: Be careful about saying yes because I might then proceed to grill you for all sorts of information. Or maybe hint around that I would love help with pictures for my shop ;) 

I'm also nervous because tomorrow I am giving a demonstration of the wordless book for a teacher training class. But I'm confident in my God! And excited to see a dear friend!

I'd be interested in what you're doing for quiet time with God. Right now I'm reading the "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. So far it has encouraged and convicted me so much! I was also inspired (see previous post) to begin a study of the book of Exodus. I have found I am too much like the Israelite nation... But it's been good!

And I couldn't keep from talking about Nathan ;) I would tell you all about this past Sunday when he came up to visit and the fun we had.
Having fun at the mall =)
After I talked your ear off, I would want to hear all about YOU! I would want to know what is on your heart and what God has been teaching you. And I really would love to hear from you. Write me a comment, I would love to read it. Also, maybe you have your own coffee date; if you're linked up with Alissa, I'll definitely be checking it out!

Happy Friday!

Until next time...

Linking up with Alissa for coffee date

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Self-pity and God's grace

Created with the fabulous Rhonna Designs app!

Have you ever studied the Israelite nation? Specifically their journey to the Promise Land and wandering in the desert. Self-pity pretty much sums up their whole attitude. Now granted, they had to go through some hard things; but! They had an Awesome God providing everything they needed. I think they may have all had short-term memory loss though ;) It's easy to laugh at them and wonder why in the world they were so silly. But then, you look at your life and the laughter dies away...

That's the moment I have had this week. Over and over and over... There have been some big changes happening in my family. Hard changes. And it's not over yet. It's been really easy for me to get frustrated and mopey. It's been easy to forget Who is in control. It's been easy to feel, do I dare? Selfish, pouty, etc... Slowly, God has been tugging at my heart, reminding me how wrong those feelings are. As I thought about everything, the Jewish people immediately popped into my head. Over and over again, God provided, they complained, God provided, they complained. They wallowed in self-pity. That is exactly what I have been doing. Listen to this - Exodus 14:10-14 (ESV)

 "When Pharaoh drew near, the people of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they feared greatly. And the people of Israel cried out to the LordThey said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt? Is not this what we said to you in Egypt: ‘Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.” And Moses said to the people, Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” "

God had just rescued His people from Egypt with some miraculous plagues. Can you just imagine experiencing the power of God in that way?? And yet, when Pharaoh came after them they seemed to have forgotten all of those things. Here they go, self-pity abounds. Now I look at my life - I have just experienced some awesome things God has done! A little boy I used to babysit years ago, all of a sudden shows up in a Child Evangelism Fellowship 5-Day club (a week long bible club. Coordinating these is my job this summer) and is counseled for salvation. What?? Awesome! God is good, I say (And I mean it!). I had a driver cancel on me and yet without even trying God brings replacements into my path. God is good! (And I really mean it again). Then, things happen. I feel ignored, I feel my dreams and goals are unimportant; but do I come back to my God, who is good? No, I wallow in self-pity, selfishness, pride. I can just hear God saying to me "Fear not, stand firm!.. I will fight for you, and you only have to be silent." And you only have to be silent...  And that's where God's grace swoops in. He doesn't let me stay in this pit, He pulls me out, convicts me, reminds me who He is (an Awesome, Powerful, Faithful God who loves ME!) and who I am (the daughter of the most High King). That doesn't mean I immediately do a 180 or never feel this way again, but it does mean that I remember to trust Him, to rely on Him and that my heart is conformed more to His Son. And that? Is pretty Awesome! So, next time I feel like complaining or pitying myself, I want to remember that God will fight for me, I just have to stay silent... ...And cry out to my Father who loves me and always, always is with me!
Also with Rhonna designs

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's in a name?

I was and am super excited about my product. It was lots of fun to come up with a concept; to Google: blogging, copyrights, online selling, shipping, etc. =) But, I had a problem... What name to use??

Bring on some late night worrying, brain storming sessions, and a few crazy conversations with family.

Our name ideas went from "Hooking Joy" to "Winsome Rhino" (Try saying that ten times fast!) Don't even ask how... One of my dilemmas was that I wanted my name to say a lot! I wanted it to be fun and a little crazy (Once you get to know me, you'll know why ;) ), but I also wanted it to make sense. To work with my product. To be a name I could put on a business card, hand out and not have to make a 2 minute explanation. But that is hard! I turned down so many names; I was picky!

But really, isn't that what you have to be? When you're thinking about what to put out into the world as yours, you have to be picky. You have to ask the questions: Is this me? How does this represent me? and so on. 

Obviously my dad knows me better than I know myself, because it took him ten seconds to come up with the perfect name. Introducing...

It is the perfect name! A little quirky, fun, and speaks about what my product is. Plus, the dictionary format means the explanation of my product is right there, woohoo!

Picking a name was a long process, I won't deny that I did stress about it a little... (okay, a lot). But it was also fun! It made me think long and hard about how I wanted myself represented in the handmade world. That is a GOOD thing. 

So, if you have a product, with a name, what was it like deciding? Was it as crazy as my adventure? Or did it just happen? I'd love to know!

Until next time...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Crochet Hook Roll Tutorial

I have never claimed to be an expert sewer. I'm not the best at following patterns and my lines aren't always straight. BUT... I love to sew. Something about all the cutting and ironing, seaming, etc. makes me happy. So, occasionally some of my sewing adventures may end up here. ;)

For the longest time I have been using a lovely pouch to hold my crochet hooks. Once though, my sister made a colored pencil roll and I loved the concept; perfect for crochet hooks! And that is how this tutorial was born. Enjoy! 

You will need:
Sewing machine
Sewing pins
Measuring Tape
1/2 yard of 44" wide fabric (I used quilters cotton from my local Joann Fabrics)
Matching All-Purpose thread
Small roll of 1/2" ribbon

Wash and iron your fabric.

2 pieces, 16 1/2" x 10" (These will be for the outer and inner pieces)
1 piece, 16 1/2" x 6 1/2" (This will be for the pocket that holds the hooks)

I chose to leave the biased edge on, but feel free to cut it off. =)

Next, you will want to hem the pocket piece on the long edge. Fold over 1/4" and press. Then fold over again about an inch and press. Pin in place. 

After threading the sewing machine and bobbin with your thread, change the dial to a zigzag stitch. Sew along the pinned hem (Unless specified, use an 1/8" seam allowance).

After hemming, line up pocket piece with inner piece (Both right sides should be facing you; so the wrong side of the pocket will be on the right side of the inner piece). Pin in place. Put your sewing machine back to a normal straight stitch and sew along the outer three edges. This creates a pocket. 
Sadly, my picture of this was lost, so I made a fancy diagram ;)
Now to create the little pockets that will hold each individual crochet hook. Beginning at the far left edge, measure out 3/4" increments and mark each one with a pin.

Do this all the way across. Then just take it to the sewing machine and sew from the top of the pocket to the bottom, using your pins to know when each should go. Try your best to sew a straight line; I pretty much eyeballed it and it was fine. =) (Optional - leave about 3 - 3 1/2" pocket at the end to put stitch markers, yarn needles, pens, or other needed items. Scissors, unless tiny, may cause the roll not to "roll" correctly, so keep that in mind.)
Pardon my purse in the background... ;)

It should turn out like this! 
     Left: With matching thread   Right: I drew over the stitches so that you could see them

Next, pin this piece to the outer piece, right sides together. It may not match exactly, but as long as you sew straight, you can trim it. =) Pin in place. 

Sew around all 4 edges, leaving a small opening in the side for turning.

Trim the edges...

Turn right side out (you can use a crochet hook to push out the corners). 
Press all around - Fold edges of opening in and press - Cut ribbon into about two 10" strips - Slide into opening at the bottom - If ribbon is one sided, put one facing down and one facing up - pin in place.

You can either use a straight stitch or zigzag to close, make sure to catch the ribbons.

Last step, the flap: Fold over top so that it bends right above where the ribbons are attached. Press and pin.

Straight stitch along the very edge.

And voila! Time to put in your crochet hooks, odds and ends, and roll away! Roll starting on the end without the ribbons and roll toward them so you can tie it off.

I would love to know if you tried this out!

Until next time...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Love is in the air... 7-9-13

Nine days ago, Nathan and I celebrated two years of courtship. Looking back, I can remember thinking how far away this milestone seemed; but time has flown! 

It has been such a joy, we have grown closer to each other, and every day, I fall more in love with him. I know for a fact that God brought us together and there is no one else I would rather be with. He pushes me to walk closer with the Lord, he loves me no matter what, and he is always there when I need him! I don't have time to go into all the details of how we met, (I'll have to someday though!), but it's been a wonderful journey that I wouldn't trade for the world!

We had a terrific time spending the day together! It was filled with flowers, laughter, and love. We were able to go out to Chili's for dinner (I love their chicken Quesadillas!) and then took photos at the beach. =)

And of course, anniversaries aren't complete without presents, right?? ;) I made Nathan a scrapbook with all our important milestones, (like the Chick-Fil-A parking lot where he first told me he loved me, six months after he told me he cared for me. Be still my beating heart!) and also got him a new promise ring. He's been wanting one for a while and I thought this was the perfect opportunity. Nathan gave me the loveliest print and also a beautiful key bracelet. =D I love you darling!

Until next time...

Monday, July 15, 2013

A new adventure!

Looking forward into the Fall is so exciting for me! There have been many times where I have dreamed "brilliant" ideas (well, at least I thought so ;) ), but they never came to be.
Now, I will fully admit to you that I am so not self-motivated. I'll try to start a new habit or break an old one and I just can't carry through. Example: Before my sister got married and moved 45 minutes away, I walked twice a week. Now, without her motivation? (Disclaimer! Please don't let this secret out...) I walk maybe... once every two weeks, if that. I know, I know, pathetic, right? I just do not self-motivate.

So, that is why the Fall is so exciting; I'm opening my Etsy shop! This has involved tons of Google searches, lots of questions, a lot of doubt and going back and forth, and a lot of self-motivation (along with help from my love)! I think this will be a good thing. I think this will stretch me and show me new things that I can do through my God's strength. I'm not expecting overnight success, or even "over-ten-years" success. I'm expecting to learn more about myself, to learn a different way of doing things, to learn a more creative, loving lifestyle, and to learn to let go and trust that God's got me. 

Part of this new adventure is also this blog. I want this to be a place for me to pour my heart out, to be real, and to share this journey called life. That includes my Etsy shop experience, but so many other things that make me, me! This is only my second post, so I am still feeling things out and trying to learn how to put me on a page, but... We're getting there. =) We'll see what happens ;)

Most importantly, I want this to be a place for me to share my Savior and what He does for me every day! Something He's teaching me now?

Until next time...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Follow me!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

This might be a strange first post, but I would love to have you follow me!
It's a great website with a good mobile app. It makes it super easy to keep track of all your blogs.
I also really like the format; It's easy to maneuver and looks pretty too!

Until next time...