Monday, July 15, 2013

A new adventure!

Looking forward into the Fall is so exciting for me! There have been many times where I have dreamed "brilliant" ideas (well, at least I thought so ;) ), but they never came to be.
Now, I will fully admit to you that I am so not self-motivated. I'll try to start a new habit or break an old one and I just can't carry through. Example: Before my sister got married and moved 45 minutes away, I walked twice a week. Now, without her motivation? (Disclaimer! Please don't let this secret out...) I walk maybe... once every two weeks, if that. I know, I know, pathetic, right? I just do not self-motivate.

So, that is why the Fall is so exciting; I'm opening my Etsy shop! This has involved tons of Google searches, lots of questions, a lot of doubt and going back and forth, and a lot of self-motivation (along with help from my love)! I think this will be a good thing. I think this will stretch me and show me new things that I can do through my God's strength. I'm not expecting overnight success, or even "over-ten-years" success. I'm expecting to learn more about myself, to learn a different way of doing things, to learn a more creative, loving lifestyle, and to learn to let go and trust that God's got me. 

Part of this new adventure is also this blog. I want this to be a place for me to pour my heart out, to be real, and to share this journey called life. That includes my Etsy shop experience, but so many other things that make me, me! This is only my second post, so I am still feeling things out and trying to learn how to put me on a page, but... We're getting there. =) We'll see what happens ;)

Most importantly, I want this to be a place for me to share my Savior and what He does for me every day! Something He's teaching me now?

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. So excited for your shop (maybe a shoppe??)! and your blog! Know you'll do great! praying for you always!


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