Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's in a name?

I was and am super excited about my product. It was lots of fun to come up with a concept; to Google: blogging, copyrights, online selling, shipping, etc. =) But, I had a problem... What name to use??

Bring on some late night worrying, brain storming sessions, and a few crazy conversations with family.

Our name ideas went from "Hooking Joy" to "Winsome Rhino" (Try saying that ten times fast!) Don't even ask how... One of my dilemmas was that I wanted my name to say a lot! I wanted it to be fun and a little crazy (Once you get to know me, you'll know why ;) ), but I also wanted it to make sense. To work with my product. To be a name I could put on a business card, hand out and not have to make a 2 minute explanation. But that is hard! I turned down so many names; I was picky!

But really, isn't that what you have to be? When you're thinking about what to put out into the world as yours, you have to be picky. You have to ask the questions: Is this me? How does this represent me? and so on. 

Obviously my dad knows me better than I know myself, because it took him ten seconds to come up with the perfect name. Introducing...

It is the perfect name! A little quirky, fun, and speaks about what my product is. Plus, the dictionary format means the explanation of my product is right there, woohoo!

Picking a name was a long process, I won't deny that I did stress about it a little... (okay, a lot). But it was also fun! It made me think long and hard about how I wanted myself represented in the handmade world. That is a GOOD thing. 

So, if you have a product, with a name, what was it like deciding? Was it as crazy as my adventure? Or did it just happen? I'd love to know!

Until next time...

1 comment:

It would be a joy to hear from you, dear readers! I will do my best to comment back on the blog, or if your email is there I'll respond to you that way; either one! So, what are your thoughts?