Friday, July 26, 2013

Coffee with you

I actually found Alissa and her neat Coffee Date Friday link up through my sister who blogs over at The Sweetest Petunia 
It's a super cool way to join other bloggers and meet new people. Excited to be participating for the first time =)

So, if you and I were having coffee today, I would most likely tell you that I am ready for the weekend. It's been a long, emotional week and I'm ready for a break. I would tell you that I am super excited because I am donating two of my Zoottles to a wonderful lady for an auction to help bring her son home from Africa. It's happening on Instagram, Tuesday night. I would love for you to check it out! just follow @simplybeautiful100 

From Anna @simplybeautiful100 on IG
I would probably talk to you about my future Etsy shop and all of my plans and dreams. I'm super excited because I was able to get my boxes for shipping; for freeeeeeee! ;) Thanks to my Brother-in-law's know how and the post office. I think they are the perfect size and even big enough to send two if needed. I would tell you I am nervous about all the goals I have set for myself and that I'm not sure if I'll be ready to open at the end of August... I might ask you if you have any experience in photography: Be careful about saying yes because I might then proceed to grill you for all sorts of information. Or maybe hint around that I would love help with pictures for my shop ;) 

I'm also nervous because tomorrow I am giving a demonstration of the wordless book for a teacher training class. But I'm confident in my God! And excited to see a dear friend!

I'd be interested in what you're doing for quiet time with God. Right now I'm reading the "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. So far it has encouraged and convicted me so much! I was also inspired (see previous post) to begin a study of the book of Exodus. I have found I am too much like the Israelite nation... But it's been good!

And I couldn't keep from talking about Nathan ;) I would tell you all about this past Sunday when he came up to visit and the fun we had.
Having fun at the mall =)
After I talked your ear off, I would want to hear all about YOU! I would want to know what is on your heart and what God has been teaching you. And I really would love to hear from you. Write me a comment, I would love to read it. Also, maybe you have your own coffee date; if you're linked up with Alissa, I'll definitely be checking it out!

Happy Friday!

Until next time...

Linking up with Alissa for coffee date

1 comment:

  1. We did have fun! Can we have a coffee date Friday sometime??


It would be a joy to hear from you, dear readers! I will do my best to comment back on the blog, or if your email is there I'll respond to you that way; either one! So, what are your thoughts?