Thursday, August 1, 2013

cuppakim's 3rd annual mug swap!

There I was, browsing on Instagram, and what should I find?? This! I am sooooo excited! I definitely think this will be a great way to connect with people and who doesn't love a mug? I can't wait to find out who I get to send to and then to get my very own package! So, what are you waiting for?? Hop on over to and join. Maybe I'll get you ;)

Until next time...


  1. That is pretty cool! I want a mug!

  2. awesome!!! thanks for signing up and for sharing! :) hurray!

    1. No problem, I've heard lots about these kinds of swaps from my sis (she blogs at "the sweetest petunia")and I am super excited! Thanks for putting it together!


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