Monday, August 26, 2013

Sowers Family Vacation, 2013 - Part 2 (Random Pictures)

Wow, totally did not mean for it to take me this long to do my next post, whoops! The next thing we did on vacation was white water rafting. Mom even got us a water proof camera to take pictures. Unfortunately those take forever for them to develop! So, I thought I would share with you some random pictures that we took. Ones that weren't really a part of anything exciting, but were still fun. =)

The first deer we saw here! I love deer. =) They're not something you see every day in FL cities, and they are so cute. =) We thought it was pretty funny (Maybe funny weird?) that she was eating flowers out of this little cemetery. One person was smart and put a covering on theirs ;)

We probably looked like a bunch of silly tourists stopped in the middle of the road to get these pictures ;) But, we weren't the only ones. Dad said he got stuck behind a car doing the same thing. But when he looked at the licence plate to see where they were from, it said WV; come on guys, you live here! =P

Our room. =) It was a lot bigger than I thought it would be! We had three rooms, 4 beds, and a nice living space. We got it a little messy ;) But it was nice. =) The biggest bummer was that the wifi did not work in here. Weird thing was that it worked great outside of our room. Didn't get to talk to Nathan much because of it, sad day... But we survived =)

I think one of the nicest things about our room was the beautiful view from the two porches. You could see mountains in the distance, and as you'll see, wildlife felt free to come and hang out. 

Katheryn was so excited to be able to say she had been this close to a deer! Obviously they understand the fact that humans will feed them. I promise, we did not. Deer seem to be very curious. I love when their ears perk up and they just look at you with their big eyes. We also saw a raccoon (only one, thought we would see more!) but it was at night and the only thing we could see in our picture was his red eye. =)

Hopefully you all enjoyed that! What about you? Do you love to look at mountains, or is the beach more your thing? Would you be excited about deer like I was??

{Click here if you missed part 1, or to see part 3, and part 4}
Until next time...

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