Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Coffee Date link-up with {Oh, Simple Thoughts}

Oh Simple Thoughts

It's been a while since I've done a link-up and this one seemed like the perfect one to start back up with! I stumbled on Rachel from "Oh, Simple Thoughts" through other people I follow on Instagram and really have enjoyed getting to know a little about her. She is a newlywed, and since I'm getting married soon I already feel that connection with her. This morning I explored her blog and it was so refreshing to read advice and thoughts on what it was like to be newly married. I highly recommend that you go and check it out for yourself! Her heart for Jesus shines through and has already blessed me.

Today, she is hosting a Coffee date link-up, inviting us to really open up with each other and share what's going on in our lives. I completely agree with her, being vulnerable and honestly answering the question "How are you doing" is hard. Like, really hard. I'm horrible at it. Isn't it so much easier to just say "I'm fine, and you?" But as the body of Christ we're called to be personal with each other, so... here it goes! 

If I was having coffee with you, I'd probably drag you to Starbucks. The bigger one by Target with the cozy private corner, perfect for sitting alone, crocheting, or with a friend, conversing. 

How am I? You ask - I'm... conflicted =) When I really think about what my life is like right now I am thankful. I have a (almost) brand new Nephew who I love desperately and wish I could be with all the time! He is the cutest little guy you ever did see and I don't think I could have ever imagined how wonderful it is to be his Auntie. I'm engaged to the man of my dreams who loves me better than I even know how to say. Daily he shows me what it truly means to love sacrificially and unconditionally. September is when the big day is and it's only 6 months away, crazy! I have the best family - My sister (Graham, the nephew's mommy) who really is my best friend; her husband who is just like the brother I never had. My parents who love me and my three other sisters. I have a great church family, food to eat, a home to stay in, and much more. Sounds pretty incredible right?? And, it is, honest. 

The conflicted part? I'm ready to be married and even though 6 months will fly by, the days feel long and hard. Planning a wedding hasn't been exactly how I envisioned. Sadly, I've allowed it to stress me out why more than it should. Poor Nathan gets to deal with everything (which he has amazingly). I am also feeling distant from my Savior. (Wow, whose idea was it to be honest?) I'm trying to be more disciplined in spending time with Him and that has been a great encouragement, yet it's so easy to put other things ahead of Him. Slowly I feel Him drawing me back, but it is a slow process. =) 

Anyway, those have been my feelings lately =) I'm praying that I allow Joy to fill my heart because I really have so much to be joyful about! 

Thanks for joining me today and make sure to go over and read Rachel's post, it was such a blessing to my heart!
(I feel sad that I don't have any pictures in this post... Oh well, I guess I can't have some in every one...)

Until next time!


  1. Happy to have found you through the link up! :) Congrats on your upcoming wedding! And try not to stress too terribly much..;) It will turn our beautiful and perfect!


    1. Thank you for stopping by Kendra! Your blog and shop look so lovely <3

      Thank you very much for that encouragement! I appreciate it! I'll do my best not to ;)

  2. hi! stopping by from the link up. congrats on your nephew. babies are such a joy! and congrats on your wedding. i know it can be such a stressful time, and i love that the Lord is calling you to Him to give you His peace. wishing you the best!

    1. Thanks so much Leah! Yes, he is a huge joy to me! Thank you =) I'm so glad you stopped by and I enjoyed exploring your blog!

  3. Oh sweet Jessica, I have tears welling up in my eyes. I can really relate to your feelings of confliction. I was so there just 10 months ago before I was married. If you had asked me a month before my wedding how to sum up engagement I would have told you...FRUSTRATING!!!! I felt consumed with wedding planning, was shifting who my authority was from my parents to my soon to be was chaotic, and hard, and emotional. So take heart sweet girl, you are not alone. This in between season before marriage is tough, but let me tell you marriage is sweet. Cling to Jesus right now even more when you feel distant...he desire for us to love him and pursue him ALWAYS! Praying you heart is encouraged and lifted up. I am so thankful to connect with you via the Holden ladies. I love each of them, and it was such a joy a few weeks ago to meet them all in person and hug their necks! Such a joy that the Internet can be used for good and for the Lord's mighty Glory! AMEN! Thanks for having a coffee date with me, and being honest. I know that is tough, but praise the Lord for the comfort that comes in vulnerability! much love to you!!!

    1. Hi Rachel, I am so happy you stopped by! Wow, I cannot tell you how much of a comfort it is to hear I am not alone in how I am feeling. Sometimes I feel like marriage is so close and yet so far away, and that is hard! I am so ready to be one with Nathan =) Thank you for the sweet reminder and listening to my heart. You have blessed me in so many ways already. Much love to you sweet sister!

  4. Oh, sweet girl. I'm stopping in from the link-up. I recently got married in October and it was truly one of the hardest things God has put me through. I'm very OCD and like things done at certain times, and as you know, wedding planning isn't exactly all cut and dry. The Lord taught me SO much patience in my engagement that has prepared me for my marriage. Prayers for you!

    1. This link-up has been such a blessing! I have loved getting to "meet" all of these newlyweds and I'm glad you stopped by! My feelings exactly - things are not going like I think they should be and throw in a tight budget, things get rough at times... Great to hear and I so appreciate your encouragement! Blessings...


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