Friday, April 25, 2014


Do you stalk the Target dollar section like I do? Sometimes I'm not in the least bit tempted by what is there - other times? I spend $15 because, "It's only a dollar" adds up ;) Since they've put in all their spring items, I've been eyeing the cute little growing kits they have; Strawberries, tomatoes, herbs, poppies, and Sunflowers. But, I've talked myself out of them because I would need to get potting soil and planters for when they get bigger. 

But, for Katheryn's birthday I knew that would be a perfect gift! She loves watching things grow just like I do (although my thumb isn't very green, =/ I love the process and feel so accomplished when they grow. I might see them as my children and used to feel like a murderer when I had to pull out sprouts so others would have room, hehe...), and it was something we could do together and wasn't very expensive. I love sunflowers and grew one successfully before, so I chose that and also picked up one of their cute watering cans (I've almost bought myself an orange one and I still want it eventually!) to complete the set.

The day of her birthday, (Saturday, April 19th) we got down to work. The kits make it pretty easy and I love that it includes everything you need to start the process =) Let me just tell you, if you live in FL, grow sunflowers! I have found that they grow fast, are pretty hardy (unless left out in a tropical storm - that is speaking from experience, sadly...), and love sun! Very important in FL! By Tuesday, April 22nd, we had a few sprouts poking through and more started popping up through out the day. So far our plants are doing great and have been fun to watch. =)

Wednesday, April 23rd in the morning

Wednesday, April 23rd in the evening

Thursday, April 24th in the morning

Thursday, April 24th in the evening

Today! Friday, April 25th in the morning

Hopefully soon, we'll be transplanting these little guys to their own pots so they can have room to grow. Needless to say, I love them! =) 

When I get married I'm looking forward to having a small porch garden! We'll see how that goes. =)

Until next time...

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