Monday, May 5, 2014

"One Square at a time..." A crochet ministry!

A few months (I think?) ago, I started following a lady on IG who did a lot with crocheted Granny Squares. She had a neat ministry going on where she made Granny Squares or people sent them to her, and she sewed them together into blankets to give to the homeless. The blankets came out so beautiful and people from all over the world, literally, sent squares to her. I toyed with the idea of making some to send, but she lives in the UK and I wasn't sure I had the funds to get them there. As I thought more about it, the idea started to form in my head that we should start something similar in my church family. Several of my friends already knew how to crochet and I was certain that between us we could teach people who didn't. Then we would meet up occasionally to work together and also be able to crochet at home. After getting the green light from the elders in our church, "One Square at a Time..." or simply "One Square" was born! 

Right now we have been meeting for a few months. In the beginning we met every Sunday so that those that didn't know how would be able to learn and be able to start making their own at home - now we meet about every three weeks or once a month and have the goal of making 3 or more squares a week at home. We have 8 ladies (including myself) and 4 younger girls! I loved that it was something almost any age group cold be a part of and its great having the three generations (older woman, younger woman, and children) working together. Our plan is to start off by making blankets for our local pregnancy center (won't have to be as big) and then maybe go from there to making adult sized blankets for the homeless. We are also going to donate a few blankets to our All Children's Hospital NICU on behalf of my cute nephew who spent a week there.

Our first "Elmer the Elephant" Blanket is almost completed! (if you're confused by the title, click here - I loved this book as a little girl!) And I am hoping on using it to update our church family on what's going on and also as encouragement for others to donate gift cards for us to buy yarn. Another thing I loved about the idea, because even if you don't want to crochet, you can still be a part of each blanket. We will see!

Nathan isn't usually a part of our group ;) But he came up for the day =D

We were missing some sweet ladies this past week - but it was still a great time!

Until next time...


  1. LOVE this idea!!!!!! what a wonderful and creative ministry, and i LOVE that all ages can participate.

    1. Thank you, dear! It's been really fun and I'm excited about where God will take it =)


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