Friday, May 16, 2014

Expectations {Coffee Date Vol. 2 Link-up}

{I'm linking up with sweet Rachel, over at 'Oh, Simple Thoughts' for a coffee date!}


This past week, I have spent a lot of time working through some things - I am just now beginning to understand some of the struggles I have, what they're coming from and mean. I have also learned some things about how I work. Not that I didn't already "know" but I didn't really understand. I would feel things but I didn't understand why I was feeling them. God has really been making sense of it all for me and I am starting to grasp how to treat my feelings. 

I have always known that I am a deep feeler. I remember things because of the way I feel. My muscle memory is never wrong and I always remember the small details because those affected how I feel. When I tell you about my day, it will always evolve around my feelings. I can spend a lot of time telling you stories that don't necessarily tell you what happened, because those are what are important to me. I know, the danger in all of that, is that it is so easy for my feelings to control everything I do; not always a good thing.

Also, because of how deeply I feel, I have very high expectations and dreams of how I will feel when certain things happen. Feeling the way I am expecting to is probably one of the most important things to me. When that is taken from me, meltdowns ensue. 

Last year, changes happened that tore down a lot of my expectations for the coming years. Ever since then, I've realized that I hold a lot more tightly to the expectations I do have - I almost can't handle them being taken away.

And you know what? I can't handle it - on my own that is. What all of this boils down to, is my lack of trust that God knows what's best. He knows exactly how I work, how I see life, how I function, and He knows best. He knows what is important to me, and He knows best. 

He is 
my expectations

You know how I know that? I've finally realized I needed to listen to God's word, not my own sinful voices. Listen to this AWESOME truth!

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
forever and ever. Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV - Emphasis mine)

I'm trying hard, through His power, to apply this truth to my life. To let go of my expectations, because I know the ONE who can do far more. Each morning I'm trying to pray and leave my expectations at His feet, trusting that nothing I can imagine is better than what He has for me. I'd love to have you lift me up in prayer, and if you are struggling with something, I'd love to join you in giving it to Him. Feel free to email me at or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time...


  1. Amen sister! only in Christ can we accomplish anything! So humbling, but there is so much freedom in surrendering to this truth. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your heart with us today! :) So blessed!!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Rachel! It was a joy to link-up and be able to open up about this. You are such an encouragement to me!

  2. Jessica! I can totally relate to you on this subject. Sometimes expectations can just take over! But you are right, God IS able. Thankful for you sharing your heart today!

    1. Hi Lacey! Thank you so much for your sweet words <3 Thankful for you stopping by!

  3. I can very much relate. I am praying this verse over you and your blog right now.

  4. I loved your post and I totally relate! That verse carried me through a rough patch recently and has continued being a praise on my lips now that I can look back and see all that He has done! Praying and believing that the Lord does exceedingly and abundantly above in all situations of your life! Loved getting to "meet" you through this link up!

    1. Thank you so much! Oh, that is so awesome! Isn't it great how God uses the same things in different peoples lives?? Thank you for stopping by!

  5. It's incredible how much God truly can do in our lives! I love that verse and it's such an amazing truth. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable!

    1. Amen, so true! It is definitely a truth that has blown me away the past month, even though I knew it already, it seemed to be made alive! Thank you for coming by <3

  6. So good! Thankful for this reminder. That verse rings so true! So grateful I found this on the link up! xox C from Quirky Anthems

    1. Aw, I am so glad that you stopped by Christin <3 I so appreciate your kind words!


It would be a joy to hear from you, dear readers! I will do my best to comment back on the blog, or if your email is there I'll respond to you that way; either one! So, what are your thoughts?