Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's day 2014

I hope you and all your family enjoyed this Mother's day Holiday! A lot of times, this time of year seems crazy with all the birthdays, mothers day, etc. and I feel like I'm trying to figure out gift ideas one after another. I was definitely drawing a blank on what to do for mom. I love her and she's a great mom, but sometimes it's hard to shop for her. She doesn't really like practical gifts, but I didn't want to just get her what we usually do. So, I turned to pinterest (woohoo!), and found a great idea! It was originally for Father's day, but was super easy to change.

Here is the original picture -

All we did was cut out our own letters from card stock and a heart from red construction paper. I used a ruler and a pencil for the letters and I was super happy with how they turned out! Then us 5 daughters took pictures (This was nice because even though Jennifer is away in the Army, she was able to send us pictures to include), each doing 2. I changed them to black and white in and kept the heart red by using the little box that pops up when you change it in effects. Then using the collage feature put it together and printed it 8x8 using the Printicular app. Really you could use this technic for all sorts of fun collages! Might have to be used for some future gifts, shhhh...

I wasn't able to find the exact right size frame at target (Jo~ann's might have them...) but I did find a cute 9x12 and Ta-da! A perfect Mother's day gift!

We celebrated with Hayden, Jaquelyn, and Graham on Friday night. It was lots of fun and mom definitely loved this gift =D Mission accomplished.

Until next time...

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