Tuesday, March 31, 2015

6 Months and a little more...

On the twentieth of this month, Nathan and I celebrated our 6 month-iversary. Like I always say, I can't believe it's already been this long and I can't believe it's only been this long. 

It definitely wasn't my ideal way to celebrate, because Nathan was off and I was working... But! I am glad that he had the day to rest and relax, and he did so much stuff around the house for me =) 

In honor of our 6 months, I'd thought I would share some of my marriage thoughts with all of you.

1. Marriage: it brings out the best in us and the worst, but the best part I could think of is that I have someone who knows me better than I even know myself, has promised to love me forever no matter what, and daily shows me what that means. I am not perfect (shocker! =P) and I let my sinful, fleshly self, control my actions and moods way more than I want to admit. But, Nathan loves me selflessly and forgives me even when I'm a huge stinker. And by God's grace I do the same with him. 

2. Forgiveness and dealing with anger/conflicts quickly is vital. When God says not to let the sun go down on our anger, (Ephesians 4:26), He is telling us to resolve it as quickly as possible with the one we are angry with. In marriage, anger and conflict happen, because we are humans with an old sin nature. Maybe my anger is well merited, most of the time it's not, but either way I am called to initiate healing. Sadly, there are times I wait until Nathan initiates it, but I am so glad he does. We can only do that because of our new nature in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit! When you can deal with issues and then forgive each other quickly, life is so much sweeter and your selfless love grows.

3. Nathan IS the most perfect soul mate, provider, protector, husband for me! The longer we are married, the more in awe we are at how perfect we are for each other and the more thankful we are that God brought us together in His marvelous way. Seriously guys, I cannot think of any other person that would be silly with me, talk with me, live with me, and much more, the same way Nathan does. I know some people may argue with me that there isn't THE one, it's just whoever I choose to love, etc... But I don't know, I feel like Nathan is an argument against that! Don't get me wrong though, I also know that even as we grow older and change, he will still be THE one for me, and I will love him and choose him forever and ever. 

4. Marriage is sanctifying. It is definitely smoothing away our rough edges slowly but surely. =)

5. Marriage has to be intentional. We have to be intentional about spending time with each other, we have to be intentional about putting each other first, we have to be intentional with putting Christ first, we have to be intentional with loving each other better every day. And I think that's part of what makes it so sweet.

6. A Covenant marriage is AWESOME! Nathan brings me so much joy, fun, and love... He is with me through all the wonderful ups and the hard downs, he is my best friend, his arms are my favorite place, and getting to go to sleep with him each night and wake up with him every morning is beyond incredible (even when I'm grumpy ;) - I couldn't imagine my life without him. 

I love you Nathan Brian, and I always will!

Until next time...

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