Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm married!!

Last time I posted here, I was still Ms. Jessica Amanda Sowers. It was the beginning of my wedding month. Things were starting to get crazy and real. 

Now, as I write, I am Mrs. Jessica Amanda Frook (For real guys! =O). It has been a month since our wedding. I am now a wife and am in the midst of settling into my new routine and setting up a home for my husband (Yay!!) and I. 

If you would have talked with me a month ago, I would have told you I was worried, stressed, and most of all impatient! But also kind of starting to realize that a time in my life was almost over - a time I would never get back. Now? I almost can't remember when Nathan and I weren't married, funny how that works. Nathan and I were just talking about how it seemed to take forever for our wedding day to come, and now that it's over and we're married, it seems like it happened so fast and we feel like we've been married forever. People assured me that's how it would be - wish I would have believed them ;)

I am hoping to get back into blogging and soon there will definitely be some posts about our wedding (We get all our pictures soon!!), our honeymoon, and how our lives are going in this transition period. But for now, I just wanted to say hi and let you know that Mrs. Frook is still alive ;) and very very happy and blessed!

Until next time...

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