Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Community Brew #3

I was so sad that I missed last months link-up on marriage… So I am jumping in this time, joining Rachel and Madison, along with some other great bloggers.

Today’s link-up doesn’t have a specific theme, just a time to share with others what God has been doing in your life. Without a theme, I might ramble a bit, but… That’s okay, right? ;)

Recently I bought a little devotional on Philippians and Colossians about finding Joy in Christ from Kristin Schmucker on Etsy. I also started listening through MacArthur’s message series on Philippians the past couple of days. Can I say? Paul amazes me. He was overflowing with joy, even though he had every right not to be. God has been showing me how unjoyful I can be. When things don’t go my way - when I haven’t gotten much sleep - when I feel overwhelmed with my to do lists - when people don’t treat me like I think they should. Wow, don’t those sound pathetic?? I let those get in the way of my joy, I let my feelings and my pride steal it away from me. But you know what Paul learned? That no matter what happened in his life, Jesus was his joy; and He should be, must be, mine! 

So, let’s be intentional about joy. Let’s replace our selfish, upset thoughts with thoughts about how awesome it is that Jesus saves, that Jesus takes care of us, that He is in control. 

Until next time…


  1. Jessica, this is amazing! It's really hard to remember to place His joy before all the trials we face in life. Thank you so much for the reminder!!! :) :)

  2. I love the pictures and the words written on them- they match each other well and it's always nice to remind ourselves of what makes us joyful in life!

  3. Aw, thanks Mika! Glad you stopped by!

  4. Sarah, thank you so much for reading my post! Your words encouraged me so much. That is so true, He is able to remind us!

  5. Paul really is a reflection of joy and it can definitely smack me in the face a little that I can be totally lacking in joy! Thanks for linking up with us Jessica :)


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