Friday, October 25, 2013

5 Minute Friday//Together

Linking up again with this blog for 5 Minute Friday! If you have no clue what I'm talking about, make sure to hop on over and see!

5 Minutes, no editing, just my heart pouring out about the word "Together"... Go!

Together... It really is a beautiful word. It means - not alone, a common goal, community, love... 

Could you imagine a world without that word? It would be a sad lonely place. We would have to travel this journey alone with no one there to encourage or help. No one to share our joys, fears, and dirty dishes. 

Thankfully, God created this word, "Together". He created us to live in this word. To be together, to work together, to live together, to share happiness together, to share pain together. Through the bonds of His Son's blood, we can be together. We can encourage together, help together. Seek after Him together. 

Is that how I live? Or do I feel as if I have to do this thing called life alone? Do we reach out to each other to be together? I hope so, because this word Together has power.

Well, I actually have no idea how long that was because though I thought I pressed start on my timer, I didn't... Oh well! ;) 

And if you didn't know, writing together so many times really makes you feel like it is a strange word... I feel like most words do that though ;)

Although some of you I've never met, I'm so thankful that through these blogs, we can journey together. =) 

Until next time...
Five Minute Friday


  1. Nice post Jessica,
    We most definitely were made to be together. With whom, and how often, and how, varies I have found out, over the course of your life, but as long as we are walking together with the Spirit, we can trust that we are right where we are supposed to be.

    1. Thank you and thank you for coming over! I definitely agree with you about that <3

  2. Thank you for the reminder that we are here for a purpose--to encourage, uplift and help each other out! Sometimes, I only think about my little family.


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