Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Drum roll please! (And a coupon code)

I am so pleased to announce...

This is so exciting for me! It was this spring when I started to dream of owning my own Etsy shop. I've worked so hard putting together patterns, learning about blogs and shops; I've done so many Google searches, been inspired by so many other Etsy owners, and crocheted my fingers off! I have no clue where God is going to take this, but I'm praying whatever happens will bring Him glory and be for my best. And guess what?? I am assured that that will happen!

For those of you who are new to my little space and have no clue what a Zoottle is, they are handmade crocheted baby rattles, fit for the city zoo! Each one was designed and made by yours truly with love and safety in mind. A bell tucked inside creates a soft jingle, perfect for entertaining your little ones. Plus, they double as fun toys that have endless possibilities! You could line them up two by two for Noah's ark, or build enclosures for them with blocks to create a zoo. You could play catch with them or simply let your baby snuggle up with one.

So, stop on by! You can click the gidget on the left or go to {oodlesofzoottles.etsy.com}
Zoottles are perfect for any baby you have in your life and I know they would make an adorable gift. I love making them and most importantly I love that my work can be a blessing to others.

And in celebration of my grand opening, enter ZOOTTLE10 at checkout to get 10% off of your entire purchase!

Happy shopping!
Until next time...


  1. So glad you're following your dream! I am so proud of you!!! I'll be there for you every step of the way and I'll make sure and drum up some business for you!


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