Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A birthday trip to the Zoo!

September 30th is Nathan's birthday, as you may have figured out from this post. =) You may be surprised to know that he had never gone to a real zoo before. Well, since at Lowry Park Zoo you get in free for your birthday, we just couldn't pass it up! I love getting to do things like this with my love.

Our big plans almost didn't happen because Nathan ended up pulling Jury Duty... Happy birthday from the government! ;) But, we are super thankful because God worked it out that he could still come! 

Mom, my little sister Katheryn, and my older sister Jaquelyn came along too. =D We had such a good time! Nathan got to see his penguins, we fed the goats and a giraffe, and just enjoyed exploring all the zoo has to offer together. 

You can even see baby Graham sticking out =) (Jaquelyn is expecting!)

This little girl was so cute trying to feed the horses!


Nathan didn't really like the goats =)

Just chillin' ;)

Pygmy Hippos! Even a baby one!

Feeding time!

We had just ridden the flume; we were pretty soaked!

Well, I have about a million more pictures I could show you, but I think I've given you enough ;) I'm excited to see what other adventures we go on together!

Until next time...


  1. looks like y'all had a f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s. time!! and your little sister looks SO much like you! :-O such a lovely family (what i've seen of it, anyway). :)

  2. Thank you for an amazing trip! I loved seeing God's creation with my best friend!


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