Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Escaping the guilt of already forgiven sin//The beginning

Have you ever felt trapped by the past? Like you keep living through it over and over and can never quite move past it? I have that problem and it's actually pretty hard for me to admit that to you. But... As they say, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery ;) so, here it goes.

I get trapped by the past. Specifically by past mistakes, sins, I have done. Trust me, I'm not perfect. My family and Nathan can attest to that :) and there are times when I end up living for myself, or give in to selfishness, or become full of pride; in other words, I allow my flesh to bury the new man, er... Woman in my case :) do I like it? No! I feel like Paul in Romans: what I want to do, I don't and what I don't want to do, I do. I don't know if it has to do with my personality, or what, but it's easy for me to get bogged down when I fail, easy to beat myself up, and forget that I am MORE than a conquerer in Jesus!

I'm not sure when I figured that out or when I pin pointed that was my struggle, but by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit, He showed me what I needed. I needed to recognize that His forgiveness is complete! That I must confess my sins daily and then understand that I am free from them! That I am free to move forward in His power, free from the guilt and the fear.

That's how I decided to begin studying out what it meant when God says He forgives my sins. I trusted in The Lord Jesus when I was 6 and have re-committed my life to Him several times and I know I am His! But somehow I don't think I have ever truly studied out what God's forgiveness means; shame on me! But, better now than later and better late than never I guess :) it really helps me to write/talk things out, so I'm going to be sharing (hopefully somewhat regularly) about what God has been teaching me here on my blog, and I hope you all will share your thoughts as well and are encouraged through my study. This is more of an intro, since I didn't want it to be super duper long ;) but next time I'll be diving into some scripture!

{P.S. My Grand opening Coupon Code has expired, but Traci's Oodles of Zoottles giveaway has a little less than a day left. Hurry on over to enter and check out the coupon code there!}

Until next time...

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