Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Birthday darling

Dearest Nathan,

Today is your birthday. 21. Seems kind of old, =P but we have so many years in front of us and our future is bright! The most exciting thing about today is that I get to spend it with you! And enjoy another adventure; yay for going to the zoo!

It seems so long ago that I came to your 16th birthday party. Things have changed so much! And we have come through many milestones. I am so thankful for all the years I have known you and am looking forward to many years to come.

So, love, happy birthday! You truly are my other half, my soulmate, my sweetheart. I hope you that enjoy this day and that God blesses us with another amazing year! 

Well, I'm gonna go spend time with my honey now! I'll be at the zoo if you need me ;)

Until next time...


  1. I am so glad you got to go to the zoo! Happy Birthday Nathan!

  2. I am so old... =P Thank you for making it such a happy birthday! was so happy I dodged jury duty (at least for that day) and was able to go! The zoo was amazing! and was even more amazing having you by my side the whole time! I love you!


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