Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I just might become a runner!

Well, folks, I have started! Started "couch to 5K" that is. Today was the 1st day and it went pretty well. :)

Let me catch you up on some history here: my younger sister, Jennifer is a runner. Has been for quite a while. And boy she runs a bunch! I don't even what to think about how many miles she runs in a week =P T
his past year my Dad decided to try and become a runner too. Before he would always bike, but his one complaint was that you had to go farther to get a lot of exercise which takes time. He figured if he ran, he could go less distance and still get the same amount. He downloaded a podcast c25K and started. He finished and now he's working on running a 10K! Well, time goes on and my second to youngest sister, Sarah, decides to jump on the bandwagon. 

Now, I will tell you that I have never been a runner. Never wanted to be and told myself I would never be one. One reason is because I have bad ankles and knees. (Even though I'm only 20 :( ) I broke both my ankles quite a bit when I was younger, (the left 5 times and the right.. Hmmm.. I forget! maybe 3 or 4?) and the doctor said my knees were bad because I grew too fast and my knees couldn't keep up. (Usually that's a boy problem.) And I'm only 5'2"! Another reason is, I had absolutely no desire to! And if you are going to run, I feel at least a little desire has to be there.

Well, fast forward to last week. I finally broke down and decided to start the c25K. I know that I need to exercise more to keep healthy, and who knows, maybe this will help strengthen my poor knees and ankles. =) I knew it would be pointless to try this on my own, one of my biggest weaknesses is that I am horrible at self-motivation! So, I recruited the love of my life to do it with me. Woohoo! 

The podcast we're using; you should check it out!
We decided to do it in the mornings and do it every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. We would do it at the same time so neither of us had any excuses to skip. Sneaky, sneaky! =P Today was our first day, and at least for me, it wasn't beautiful, but I am so excited to have it under my belt! I was so anxious to start I woke up at 5 this morning, whoa! 

Here we go! Nathan wants to make sure you know his shorts are red ;)

Nathan does live an hour and a half away from me, so we're more doing it together in spirit =) Which is still good!
Yay for us! Look at that handsome man =D so cute!
I'm going to try and blog about it at least once every week. Update on how we're doing and have it as another motivation to keep it up. If you follow me on IG (everymoment7911) then you'll see pictures there too. =)

And in other news... My sister Jaquelyn and I are doing a craft fair at the end of this month. My first ever and I am soooo excited and nervous! Only 18 days!

I am crocheting my fingers off! =)

Are any of you runners?? or have you done the c25K? Any craft fair experts out there? I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time...

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