Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mug swap 2013

As you all know from my previous post, I randomly saw a picture for the mug swap, 2013 hosted by acuppakim from a friend. Since my sister had done it last year, I was so excited to join in.

And then the day came, I received my email telling me who I was to send a mug to! This sweet lady's name is Erin over at "Our Families Roots" (or Chicago Cox Clan). I hadn't never seen her before, so I busily started stalking (Did I just say that??) her IG and blog. I was so excited to learn that she was a believer, and her little family was adorable! She seemed so lovely and sweet, and I knew this was going to be fun.

In Erin's bio it said that she loved fall and earth colors, plus vintagy stuff. I wanted to pick the perfect mug, plus pair it with fun stuff that I hoped she would love. 

Jaquelyn (that sister I mentioned ;) ) and I went shopping together to look for our mugs. It was great! We tried Pier one first, cause we both love their mugs. Jaquelyn found the perfect one for her partner, but nothing really caught my eye... When I spent the weekend with Nathan we had gone to a goodwill, and there were some pretty cool mugs there. Soooo... I thought maybe we could try a thrift store near where I live. =) That's where I found it! Wasn't too fancy, but it was earthy and interesting, and I loved it. =) I knew that I could dress it up some and bring in more colors with what I added to the package, so I was sold. 

Next step, adding goodies! I love to embroider + it was something I could take on our vacation, since the deadline would be coming fast by the time we got home. So I searched and found the cutest one. It's from Wild Olive's coffee week post! Then I decided to do some granny square mug rugs. =) I was ready to go!

I shipped it off and waited expectantly to see if she loved it! And she did! We are now forever friends =D Thank you so much, Kim, for putting this all together! It was a joy to meet Erin!

Next it was time to wait for mine! I literally jumped for joy when I saw it on my bed! (It came while I was gone, so my family put it there). I ripped it open and look what I saw!

Everything was so wonderful and thoughtful! The mug and cozy were both super adorable and I can't wait to try all the yummy treats. =)

I am definitely joining up next year, are you??

Mug Swap!

Until next time...


  1. absolutely blessed to the brim.
    that is SO clever. i LOVE THAT.
    and truly the spirit of the mug swap. to bless others. :)

    you got some fantastic goodies as well!!!
    someone gave me that Hello Kitty HoCho for my birthday, I'm pretty sure I need to try it soon. :)

    1. Aw, thank you! You completely blessed me, Kim, by putting this all together!

      I'm pretty excited to try it too =)

  2. You're way too adorable - I LOVE your blog (well, what I've seen of it so far..haha!) ;)
    Can't wait to get to know you better, sweet new friend, and I'm SO thankful the mug swap managed to bring us together even though we weren't partners! =) too too fun.
    LOVE both the mug you sent and the mug you received!! SO PRETTY!
    Thanks so much for being bold & reaching out so we could be friends. <3

    1. Aw, thank you! =D

      I feel the same about you! That is so cool!

      You are so welcome! Thank you for reaching back <3

  3. OH and I absolutely adoreeee the hoop you made!!!! Learning to make those adorable things is on my list of things to do this year:):):):) Just as soon as I get myself some empty hoops I'm going for it! ;D

    1. =D They are fun! I "dabble" in it =) Do it! oh! Maybe we could swap some, once you get started?? I'd supply the hoop ;)

  4. I want to do this next year! Are guys allowed to do it too?? Definitely would love a new mug for my collection!

    1. They sure are! Not sure if they would try to pair you up with another guy, or what though =)


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