Saturday, September 7, 2013

You always learn something new (making a button)

I am always learning more about blogging and it is always fun to see how other bloggers do things. One item that seems to be everywhere on people's blogs, are buttons. Some have whole sections for buttons that other bloggers can grab, others may just have one. And they all usually have a special place on their sidebar for collecting other people's buttons.

Okay, that's cool. Now, how do I make one?? I first became inspired to Google search because my dear friend Traci, had the sweetest button and I just had to add it to my blog! I knew that I finally needed learn how to make my own. 

After a few Google searches, and a failed attempt at writing my own HTML, which according to the tutorial was easy. Ummm... Not for me... I found a great tutorial, but not only that, a cool web "app" that makes it easy peasy! And I could easily make more with out a tutorial. Check it out!

So, feel free to grab my button! If you don't see yours on my sidebar, leave a link in the comments, and if I love what I see, your button will be added!

Until next time...


  1. Pretty fanncy, ma'am! It's fun seeing you learn more things about blogging!

  2. you did an awesome job making yours!! i'm going to have to come back to this when i decide to update my blog design/button, because my sister actually made my button for me, haha! :)

    1. Thank you! And thanks for putting it on your blog <3 That's okay! PicMonkey and Google are my friend ;)


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