Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rambling thoughts...

I knew I wanted to blog today, and I have had soooo many thoughts going through my head. Last night, as I was drifting off to dreamland, I was going through all of them, trying to decide what my new post should be about. Obviously, from my title, I couldn't decide. But that's okay, right? =) 

Comparison is the thief of Joy: This thought has really been on my mind. You see, it's very easy for me to compare. To compare my looks with others, to compare my blog with others, to compare my family with others, to compare my dreams with others. Is that true for you? It really is true, comparison steals my joy! Because I never seem to live up. So, my resolution? To stop comparing! And if I need to stop reading a blog, or following a shop to do that, well, okay then. I need to see others as inspiration! Not as competition. =) The only One I need to compare myself with is Jesus!

Am I an Oak of Righteousness? This morning in my quiet time, I read Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling". There have been so many times when this book has made points that I needed to hear! Although a few things that have been said, I haven't agreed with 100%, it has definitely been a blessing to me so far. Today was about how Jesus is my Best Friend and King. How He is the only one who can turn Ashes into beauty, Mourning into gladness, a faint spirit into a garment of praise. Grab a bible and look up Isaiah 61:3, isn't it beautiful! I love God's word! The reason God does this for me? To glorify Him! So that people will see that even in the midst of sad, depressing, hard, etc. circumstances, I can be joyful, full of praise, I can see beauty! And they will wonder why and God will be glorified. 

Pen pal and a precious new friend! Can I just tell you right now, that I am sooo excited!! Through the #mugswap2013 (read about here) I met a sweet, beautiful lady only a year older than I am! Her blog and thoughts were all so beautiful, I just had to "meet" her. And she is so sweet that she reached back out to me. Go read her blog here! Definitely go and explore! She also sells beautiful things here. Lots of them have made their way to my Christmas list!

Oh dear, no pictures!... Guess I'll have to double them next time ;)

Hope you enjoyed my ramblings! What are your thoughts??

Until next time...


  1. I always enjoy your ramblings!Get to hear them a lot! =P Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Word, it encouraged me! I'll have to check out those things for the wish list ;)

    1. Thank you! =D And you like it =P You're welcome! Oh, trust me, they're on the list I sent you ;)

  2. Loved this lots - and you're too too sweet to be promoting me =D soon as I read "pen pal" I was like, "no way!! awwwwww!" haha! And I've already decided I'm for sure buying some of your adorable creations for gifts when it gets closer to Christmas (any possible way you could do a turtle? just wondering.. ;) haha)
    I, too, was encouraged by your thoughts on His Word. Seems like we're struggling with some of the same kinds of things..
    Have a blessed day!! I'm praying for you today, beautiful friend! <3

    1. Thank you so much, sweet friend! =D Oh, yay! It would be a joy to make some for you! Hopefully by then I'll have all my options up ;) And I would definitely attempt a turtle for you!
      Well, now we can encourage each other in these things! Love how God works =D Thank you, Traci! You are in my prayers too <3


It would be a joy to hear from you, dear readers! I will do my best to comment back on the blog, or if your email is there I'll respond to you that way; either one! So, what are your thoughts?