Friday, September 20, 2013

C25K update - Week 2

Well, Nathan and I are well into week 2 of the Couch to 5K program. So far, so good I think. =)
Week 1, day 2
With this program (at least the specific podcast we're using, there are different versions.), you always have a 5 minute warm up and cool down walk at the beginning and end. Then, depending on the week you have different intervals of running and walking. Last week, week 1, was 4 intervals of running 2 minutes, then walking 3. By the end both Nathan and I felt pretty good and ready to take on week 2.

This time, there are 5 intervals of running 2 and 1/2 minutes, then walking 2 and 1/2 minutes. 
As you can tell, it was kind of rough...
But, we did it! Didn't he take such a good picture??
Yesterday was better. =) Although I think Ice skating on Wednesday took it's toll. My legs hurt the whole time! But the rest of me felt pretty good. =) I didn't feel like I was dying like I did on the 1st day. We'll see what happens as we go on.

Great job Nathan! Proud of you for doing it and helping me!

Until next time...

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