Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mirror Chalkboard

Okay, chalkboards are super popular! And I think I'm a little late jumping on the bandwagon... Oh well, I'm on now! That said, I am so excited about this DIY. 

My inspiration really came from two places. First, our (Jaquelyn and I) craft fair that is this Saturday (eeek!). We are sharing one booth, but we are two different shops. I was brainstorming for so long trying to think of a creative, cute way to display both our names. Then, I kept seeing pictures everywhere of people turning mirrors into chalkboards and saying it worked great, (my sister Jennifer just so happened to be getting rid of one). Ummm... Can I say, perfect?? Time to get to work. These are so simple! If you are a thrifter/garage saler, I'm sure you'll be able to find a cheap old mirror. This DIY just gives it a new life! 

What you'll need:
~ A mirror. As I said, this is an old one that we've had for a long time and it was time for a makeover!
 ~ Spray paint: You can get crazy with this if you want; but I needed mine to be a good neutral color since Jaquelyn and I have different colors for our shop themes. (I got mine for about $4 at Walmart)
~ Painters tape: Easy peasy, found pretty much anywhere. =) (I got mine at Walmart, can't remember how much.. A few dollars.)
~ Chalkboard paint: Any kind will do. I have never tried the spray paint, so I can't recommend it, but feel free if you're feeling brave! (Michael's for $6)
~ Foam brush: These are great because they put on a smooth coat and won't leave hairs. (Michael's for $0.99)
~ And Newspaper: (Found at my local newspaper box.)

1. First step is to make that mirror frame new. Best place for spray paint is outside. Lay out some newspaper, (unless you want a pretty driveway/lawn ;) ), to put your mirror on. Then you need to use more newspaper to tape off the mirror part. Not too hard. I put the paper almost to the edge and then used the painters tape to cover the rest and keep the paper down.

2. Pull out that spray paint and simply follow the directions on the back. I ended up needing to do about 3 coats to cover all of the gold.

Let the paint dry and then pull off the paper. Almost done!

Photo bombed by my cute puppy Nora ;)
3. Break out the chalkboard paint. =) Again, you can find good instructions on the back of the bottle. I used three coats to make sure I had a good thick chalkboard. =) You have to let the coats dry at least an hour in-between and then cure for 24 hours after you're done.

1st coat

Second coat

And third coat =)
{Here's a closeup of the board and frame}

4. After letting it cure, all you have to do is use some chalk and rub a light coating all over the chalkboard and it is ready to be used! 

This is a trick I am definitely going to use again; especially once I'm married and have my own house. ;) I'd love to know if you try it yourself!
Until next time...

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