Monday, September 16, 2013

Musical Monday//2

Happy Monday, everyone! I usually always have a song (or two, or three...) running through my mind. I am subject to fits of random singing, as my family will tell you. ;) So, this Musical Monday came with some decisions! I think though, I can finally narrow it down to one song that has really impacted me this past week. Plus, unless Jesus comes back or takes me home, I should have plenty of Mondays to share on. ;)

God my rock
Brenton Brown/Paul Baloche

When my heart is overwhelmedI will look to You alone
God my rock, God my rock, God my rock
You will stand when others fall, You are faithful through it all
God my rock, God my rock, God my rock

In the blessing, in the pain
through it all You’ve never failed me

You are the strength of my heart, You are the strength of my heart
I can rely on You, I can rely on You
You are the joy of my life, You are my song in the night
There is no one as true
Jesus I trust in You

When I’ve struggled to believe, You have not let go of me
God my rock, God my rock, God my rock
Carried through the darkest stormsYou have held me in Your arms
God my rock, God my rock, God my rock

A few months or so back, my Dad (who asides from being Elder/Youth pastor), the music leader at our church, introduced this song to our team. I instantly fell in love. I love how music puts into words what my heart is feeling. I love how God leads others to write those words that mean so much. I encourage you to look the song up on Youtube, sing along as a cry to our awesome Rock.
Psalm 61:2
"From the end of the earth I call to you
when my heart is faint.
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I..."

{Remember to link up your own "Musical Monday" post. Include the picture and make sure to link back to here! I'd love to read how God is using music in your life

Until next time...

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