Monday, September 2, 2013

DIY order center

It is definitely a challenge to make sure everything is organized. I think it's pretty important though, especially when starting a handmade business. So, I have been brainstorming all sorts of different organizational stuff! From sorting my yarns and shipping materials to, you guessed it, an order center! 

I have no idea what God is going to do with my little business or how many orders He might bring. So, I wanted a way to keep track of whatever ones do. About a week ago I found a pocket chart for a dollar in Target's dollar section. Perfect! Making this order center was so much fun and I hope you enjoy it too!

What you need:

~ A pocket chart (As I said before, I found this not too long ago in the dollar section at Target. Back to school does it again!)
~ Chalkboard paint (I found mine at Hobby Lobby, but they carry it pretty much at any craft store)
~ Paint for borders (I picked white from my store at home - you can use any color) (Optional)
~ 3 (or however many you want) packs of 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 wooden rectangles. (These were from Michaels in their wood craft section)
~ A sponge brush ($0.49 at Michaels)
~ Command hooks (Pack of three for about $3 at Target)
~ Chalk (Found at Target)
~ Newspaper (or something to paint on)
~ Decorations! (The two prints I doodled myself, little heart chalkboard clips from Michaels, and the I made up the title paper on my computer using my blog header) (Optional)
~ Sandpaper (I got the block from Target) (Optional)
~ Chalk markers (I found mine at Michaels and it was a little annoying. I got the last pack.) (Optional)

Alright, let's get started! 

Step 1: Paint all those wooden squares with the chalkboard paint. You can find the directions on the back of the bottle. For the type I have, I needed to paint two coats, one horizontal, one vertical; with an hour drying in between. Lay out some newspaper and open up the packages. I just laid them all out so I wouldn't have to worry about it.

First coat!

 I left a border since I was painting a border with the white anyway. I also didn't worry too much about being super neat.

Step 2: Since I had an hour to waste before I could do the second coat, I went ahead and worked on my Title paper. This is optional, but I think it's a nice personal touch. I used the image that is the header on my blog and then just added text.

The text I used was {Order center: God is good whether empty or full}
It is so important for me to be reminded that no matter how many orders I have, God is good! He is the one who gives or takes and that is comforting. I printed it out on Card-stock. Perfect!

Step 3: Time for that vertical coat! 

As soon as you finish up with the chalkboard paint, you can leave them to dry or go ahead and paint the edges with your border paint. I chose white as I said before. =)

Step 4: Soon, it will be all put together! Now, to hang that pocket chart. Pick the spot that you want to hang it on.

Then you'll need to mark where you want to stick the command hooks. I held the pocket chart up just where I wanted it and used a pencil. You could also use toothpaste, if you wanted. =) 
If you've never hung command hooks, they are super easy! And the box has good instructions. =)

Then all you have to do is put up your chart! And voila, you're almost done!

Step 5: (The final one!) This step is the one you can go crazy on! It's just decorating and making your order center yours. You can use cute garlands, lovely prints about crafting or with scripture. You can use clothespins... Anything you want!

I chose two doodles that I had done myself and of course my label that I printed out on cardstock. Something seemed to be missing though... So I added some cute heart chalkboard clips I got from Michaels! 

Arrange them and the little chalkboards anyway you want to =)

Isn't it adorable?? I can't wait to add orders!
(Notes: You may need to "color" with normal chalk over all of them to prepare them for use. Look on your bottle of chalkboard paint to make sure. Also, you may want to use the optional sand paper to sand down any rough edges.
Chalkboard markers or pens are perfect, more control so you can fit more on. Something cute could be adding some kind of bucket or "chain" to attach the markers. Usually the markers need a wet cloth to remove. Also, I ended up not storing my chalkboards in the chart. Instead I tucked them away, close by, ready for when I get an order.)
And there you have it, folks! I'd love to know if you make your own or even if you simply use some of my tips. Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time...


  1. Looks great! I could use one of these for my school assignments! Though I'd probably just enjoy making it then not actually keep up with updating it =P


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